Last week of peaches, first week of apples

At the farmer's market this weekend: summer fruit making a final wave, with fall fruits and vegetables debuting. Not ready for actual pumpkins yet, I walked past them. I did pick up a couple spaghetti squash, however, and at the grocery some pumpkin ravioli.
MONDAY: Roasted chicken and root vegetables with rosemary and shallots. (See page 110 in the book for several chefs' roast chicken variations). Strawberries and dark chocolate.
TUESDAY: Having gone a little overboard at the green market, I'm planning to roast everything before it turns: Peppers, carrots, broccoli and whatever is left in the bin, at 400º with olive oil, salt, pepper. Serving with rice (if I get started in time) or quinoa (if I don't) and leftover chicken.
WEDNESDAY: Spaghetti squash -- I once improvised a delicious non-recipe of roasted spaghetti squash (takes about 45 min to an hour) topped with chick peas simmered in a paprika-y broth and some jamon Iberico crisped on top. Here's a more traditional treatment, with tomato sauce, just like real spaghetti.
THURSDAY: Still lots of herbs exploding in the windowbox this week. Thyme-crusted Halibut with parsley sauce. Roasted peaches with cinnamon, star anise, pepper, olive oil, lime and salt, via Gregory Gourdet.
FRIDAY: Movie night. Big salad, pumpkin ravioli (store bought) with mushrooms, sage.

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