A busy week, lots of fast meals

Have just come back from friends' wedding on Cape Cod. Beautiful ceremony, and beautiful menu by their pal Adam Shepard, the chef at Lunetta in Brooklyn. Am trying to shake some of the recipes (gorgeous white gazpacho, for one) out of the grooms or the chef and if I am successful, will update here.
MONDAY: Mercury has dipped below 70 degrees -- time for soup. Minestrone.
TUESDAY: Picking up fresh dough from grocery, making some quick pizzas: Caramelized leeks, mozzarella, basil. Antipasti di what's-in-fridge (some marinated artichokes, red peppers, eggplant spread, I think).
WEDNESDAY: Roasted fish: Dorade this time, stuffed with lemon, olives, oregano. Cous cous (the tiny kind that cooks in minutes, not the pearly variety), sauteed spinach.
THURSDAY: My son is on a no-chicken strike. This doesn't present too much trouble for me, as I was a vegetarian for decades before I was a roast-chicken addict. Holding the chicken stock in this stir-fry recipe, and adding Me, learning wok technique in Yangshuo, Chinatofu.
Have everything chopped and prepared before you start to stir-fry.
FRIDAY: Movie night. White beans with Swiss chard and tomatoes, via Joe Bastianich. This is very easy, filling and delicious. Full recipe in Smart Chefs Stay Slim.Works perfectly well with canned cannellinis, which is how I'll make it. If you are one of the people who can remember to soak your beans, well congratuations. Do so the night before and enjoy.
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