10-Day Smart Tips Countdown: Cheers!
Taking a break from New Year's Eve dinner prep in L.A. to share the last countdown tip of 2012. Since drinks will figure into most people's evening, this is a particularly timely tip from chef Ming Tsai: Along with your alcohol, have some water.
"If I'm out partying, I will drink a full glass of water with every beverage I drink," the Blue Ginger chef and Simply Ming host told me when we spoke for my book. Doing so creates a pause in which to consider whether you want that second or third drink (and the second and third glass of water that will come with it).
With that, I raise a glass to you, and thank all the people who have been incredibly supportive of Smart Chefs in the past year, and also those who might be considering picking up the paperback edition, out today.
More smart tips, recipes and other ideas to help you keep your resolutions to eat well and stay fit. Happy 2013!
-- Allison

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