Think like a Chef: Keep it Simple
BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT! We harvested our first tomato today, an organic Burbank variety grown in our window box. Realize I'm not the first person ever to grow produce in New York City, but this was our first -- my 10-year-old son and I started our tiny garden in the Spring. We couldn't be more thrilled.
Now, just days before he leaves for summer camp (and on the very day he got the cast off his arm) we brought our debut tomato in, sliced it, and ate it with basil (also from the garden) olive oil (Greek lately, because it seems like their economy could use the boost) and Maldon salt. "It tasted," said my son thoughtfully, "like... a tomato."
Because he's going to be away for the next two weeks, I've promised to keep whatever ripens during his absence in the form of tomato sauce. But it is hard to beat a great fresh-cut tomato, eaten with little fuss.
Here's what Thomas Keller had to say on the topic, when I spoke with him for my book: "The best ingredients you can get will result in the best food you can cook—as long as you don't screw them up." He likes a salad of tomato, salt, olive oil, plus a good vinegar. "It's a really simple thing and you go, 'My god, that's just incredible!' Four components, but done right, when the tomatoes are amazing, it's compelling and impressive." It's a good lesson: Buy (or grow!) the best you can, don't screw it up.
Our little tomato was gone in a flash. Fortunately, there are some more out there starting to blush, including a tiny silver fir tree tomato. Stay tuned.